Hello. My name is
Kai Ting.
Give me presents on 10
Study @
I love my family and friends:D
Wednesday, October 29, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/29/2008 09:19:00 PM
oh wells, short day and did visual field test. my result isnt normal with many defects even at central 30 degrees. gonna do again on monday morning. confrontation field test seems easy by reading the manual but requires skills and technique.went to sakae for sushi session with cindy after the practical and we ate 12 plates in total. nice unagi and soft shell crab :) eating nice food makes me a happy girl.roamed around marine square to digest our food and having fun talking sensitive topics. left to vivo's gloria jean's for some coffee session while waiting for dar to off from work. tried "mugging" alone at cafe as well. pretty good experience with nice and comfortable ambience though isnt the first visit there. chocolate macadamia latte is great! worth trying for :)As for this year's christmas, i wanted my rika bear...artistic...
and ta-da... before the arrival of christmas, i got my rika bear.
PS: i still want the full body rika bear! *greedy* PSS: thanks dar for being so sweet :)
Sunday, October 26, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/26/2008 07:17:00 PM
Friday, October 24, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/24/2008 09:04:00 PM
It's finally the end of the week and long weekend ahead. Something to be happy about and so i gonna to plan and make good use of it.Facial was horrible and painful. My dead cells and debris were being 'poked out' and face was super red when i was done after 3 long and tiring hours. As for today, lectures din really go well. was lagging behind for visual field and binocular. Thanks Cindy and Dar for explaining to me some of the concepts. Tml gonna get my transition spectacle. COOL!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/22/2008 06:28:00 PM
School days are all the same except for going out after school. As usual, went out with dar after biostat yesterday.Bugis-ed and ate at seafood harvest. ordered student meal which is like so worth it and PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT WE ARE NOT AUNT AND UNCLE YET. Eating student meal will allow us to save up more and we should enjoy the privilege when we are still schooling.Random stuff again.I dun like biostat lesson especially when she is asking people to answer. will feel that i am stupid when i din able to answer her questions. *Crossing my fingers that i will do well despite the fear i have for every single lesson.*My tutee improved and scored quite well for the 2 end year papers. 3 cheers for her. Once again, DOPT DIALOGUE session is back and this time round i am required to attend. Any comments, please let me know. Thanks.
Monday, October 20, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/20/2008 07:55:00 PM
双鱼座终极完美分析 看过很多关于双鱼的各种传说,分析,解释。似乎无一例外的把双鱼当作了一个女人的星座,动不动就是流眼泪,唉声叹气。可惜可叹,如果双鱼真的只是这样的一个星座,那么可以说没有一个人愿意去做双鱼,而历史上也不会有什么著名的双鱼人物了。
========== 最本质的部分:思考 ==========
再谈谈温柔,这一点,不管是哪篇文章,都不会忘了提双鱼座的温柔。是的,双鱼的确是温柔的。因为双鱼总能敏感的体会到对方的细微变化,时刻了解到对方心意的转变,表现在行动上,就是能尽快的知道,什么时候应该为女孩披上自己的外衣,什么时候应该停下手里的活,转过身去和女友好好的说话。 ========== 与众不同的部分:信仰 ==========
下面引用一段话说明双鱼的这个特点: '鱼座男人没有偏见,没有亲自穿著鹿皮走几哩路,他不会评断印地安人;没有试试赤脚走路,他也不会评断裸体主义者。甚至这些做了,他还是会满心谅解而不会过于批评。他很少冷酷的指控,倒是每每温暖的忍耐,他甚至会试试了解他的岳母,天底下有几个男人能这样?海王子拥有罕见的同情精神,他的朋友向他吐露秘密而从不担忧会把他吓著,要吓到鱼起码需要两吨以上的炸弹。如果你和我以及你的鱼儿三人同坐一室,一个男人走进来告诉我们他有些担忧,因为他重婚,在四个州各有一个老婆,你可能眼睛瞪得大大瞧他,冒著火,心想监狱是最适合他的地方,我可能鄙夷的说他是个卑鄙的流氓,但你的鱼儿很可能问:'那四州?你爱不爱她们其中任何一个?'鱼很好奇,但防震。对他来说,这个家伙需要一缸子同情以及好得要命的律师。'
========== 双鱼的致命缺点:懦弱 ==========
至于多疑,这点和自卑联系的比较紧密。虽然双鱼座能轻易的了解对方的意图,看透事情的真相,但是却往往不能坚持住自己的观点,这种不能坚持大多数是因为双鱼座自己不愿接受这个事实,也有很多时候是因为双鱼对自己不够自信。关于前一点,比较突出的一个例子是,双鱼座的女孩不到男孩子直截了当的告诉她,他不爱她了,女孩就总是还抱有一线希望,虽然女孩心里明白的很。懦弱呢?关于这点,和信仰联系在一起。你一定觉得很奇怪,懦弱和信仰又有什么关系呢? 信仰是种很可怕的力量,他可以让一个人做出平时不敢做的事情,拥有不该拥有的勇气,牺牲不该牺牲的东西。而双鱼恰恰是没有一丁点信仰的,就算有,也不过是为了给生活加一点调味剂,或是给自己找一个避难所。对于双鱼来说,自己能过舒适,安稳的日子,比什么都重要。富贵如浮云,最想的开这点的就是双鱼座了。至于爱国什么的,酒饱饭足的双鱼可以慷慨激昂,也会不惜重金施于,但是只是建立在自己有好日子过的前提下。
========== 双鱼的最大优点:感情 ==========
与其说双鱼是个为爱情而活的星座,不如说双鱼是个为感情而活的星座。 对于双鱼来说,世界上最重要的东西是感情,一条精神上满足的鱼,可以没有其他东西,就已经是最幸福的人(当然,绝大多数情况下,没有其他东西,很难精神上满足)。
任何感情对于双鱼来说都是重要的,爱情很重要,但不见得会比亲情更重要,在双鱼的眼中。 对于鱼来说,感情是单纯的,是单独的。鱼可以原谅对方的一切,只要那个人是真心对他好的。你可以十恶不赦,可以吃喝嫖赌,可以之前是人尽可夫的妓女,可以是个卑鄙无耻的骗子,都可以原谅,只要鱼能确定你是真心的喜欢他,对他好。但是请注意一点,大部分的鱼都比你聪明,不要以为你的小伎俩可以骗到鱼,你是不是真心喜欢他,他比谁都清楚。
对于一个男孩子来说,双鱼女孩能给你对于一个女孩子想要的一切,温柔,爱你不顾一切,可爱(很多时候是装的,鱼大多数是很聪明的),体贴..... 对于一个女孩子来说,双鱼男孩....嗯..... 看你的运气了,如果你遇到的鱼是个没有志气,不想做事,玩玩乐乐的鱼,而且他已经25岁左右了,那么好心的提醒你,还是尽早离开他吧。除非你是个富婆,或者你只是找个情人(没有人比双鱼更适合做情人了:安全快乐而无副作用)。否则,你会经历世间最凄凉的婚姻和生活,阿门................ 那么如果你遇到的鱼是有事业心,能上进,肯做事的鱼,或者干脆就是事业有成的鱼,那么真的是恭喜你,你是千万少女中最幸运的一个,再挑剔的女人也无法对一个有上进心有事业的鱼有更多的要求了。你可以得到世界上一切的温柔和快乐,包括用钱买的到的和用钱买不到的,鱼很乐意把他的一切奉献给他爱的人,看到他爱的人开心,他会更开心。大部分的鱼的'一切'仅仅只有感情,而没有物质,但是我们现在讨论的是最优秀的那种鱼,那种能随时把名望和财富送给你的鱼,现在你知道你有多幸运了吧。
============= 提到感情不得不提的:公平 =============
很奇怪吗?公平对于双鱼来说,是个很重要的单词。 双鱼没有普遍意义上的价值观,是非观,你不能用这件事这样做是对的,那样做是错的来说服一个双鱼座。永远记住,鱼的世界里很少有对错。 那么鱼又是怎么来处理他和别人(尤其是爱人的关系)呢?就是公平。
========== 感情中的完美主义 ==========
Sunday, October 19, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/19/2008 10:33:00 PM
It have been a long long time since i last blogged. perhaps i am used to blogging everyday during the holiday and now i just blog once a few days. Busy week has just passed with numerous practicals, lectures and tutorials. Pracitical was fun for contact lenses fitting. Fitting lenses into classmate's eyes and removal of lenses too. Btw, my tutee passed his science and i savored this great sense of acopmlishment. GEMS is like so different as compared to the previous gems that i had taken. This gems teacher is not those lecturers who will slack and let us go earlier. The contents gonna be fun i hope with those different calendars thingy.Will be making my first ever pair of transition lenses tml and most of the time, i will be wearing spectacle unless otherwise. just went to harbour city restaurant for dar's dad brithday dinner and it's BUFFET. Meaning i got to gain more weight though i just lose 2 kg. Feeling guilty and fat after dinner. AND with jay's handmade cheese cake, the calories level comfirm rises to the maximum :(flabbly tissues, please leave me alone!next week gonna be another occupied week.contact lenses delivery on monday morning and tuition in the afternoontuition on wednesday afternoonwork on weekends Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/15/2008 07:31:00 PM
woots woots...school was so-so and isnt very used to the new time table and those new modules that i am taking right now.Again, this semester is not gonna be easy with 2 practical modules, 1 practical-based modules and 4 other modules. LOL! i know i said this last semester but the fact is that i am just an average student who just want to study well and pass well. i dun have very smart brain though i have fantastic imagination. Btw, am the class rep for my class(DOPT/FT/2B/03). dr zhu chooses me and have to accept it. hopefully i will do my best as a class rep and my left-hand man will be there to aid me if i need any. PS: my primary school friend is now MARRIED! Thanks hoon for the info and makes me stay awake. IT'S SHOCKING!
Monday, October 13, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/13/2008 06:55:00 PM
time really flies and it have been 6 years since i last sang mirai. ms thong added me in facebook and has wrote a message for 6A/2002. It's indeed touching to see the message and she still remember that she wanted us to sang this Japanese song. that time, we were still primary 6 and 12 years old. able to memorise and sing out the whole song was indeed a feat for us. HAHA! Many memorises still like yesterday to me. the chalet we went together during holiday, the computer lab lesson, playing basketball all day after PSLE and etc. first day of school and my class's fund is left with 2.55 bucks. spent 182.75bucks just on bino notes. And contact lens complication notes has just sent for printing. think gonna to cost us a bomb when we gonna collect. tuition was cui. my tutee din do my homework like AGAIN and she was like falling asleep sooner or later. the most critical part is that she dun do the way i teach for correction. in addition, her dad teaches her also. off to teach my mei math. so worrying ):
Sunday, October 12, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/12/2008 04:25:00 PM
while waiting for my notes to be printed out, i shall rant a bit here and there. just checked blackboard and realise that konda's notes is out and ready for printing. let me announce the number of pages...ta-da!contact lenses fitting practical manual ----> 65 pagescontact lenses fitting lecture notes ---> 117pages with 2 slidescontact lenses complication lecture notes --->241 pages with 2 slideswas like expecting the lecture notes to be thick but this time is really too much and was stunned when i saw it. still remember that there are 394 slides for intro to contact lenses last sem. and now, the max slide increases to 482 slides! good luck to me then anyway, i got all my wanted stuffs before school starts tml. Thanks dar for the buying the water bottle for me. (:
Friday, October 10, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/10/2008 08:59:00 PM
i am Hot Chocolate!Keeping it Classy! A classic favorite at Starbucks, Hot Chocolate is a sweet and creamy drink that warms the heart. With mocha and vanilla syrups, steamed milk, whipped cream, and a drizzle of chocolate, this beverage is loved by people of all ages. It's a classic! You are a classy person. You blend very well in most situations and are able to enjoy and be enjoyed by many different types of people with your excellent ability to understand others and your accomplished manners. You have a wonderful sense of fashion and great, yet also diverse, social skills. You rarely offend your friends, as you are not rude, brassy, or obnoxious. You always know what to say and do...and when.
HandWritten on; 10/10/2008 08:13:00 PM
today shall mark the official last day of holiday for year 2.1. Slept till the sun is scorching hot in the noon. And have a lit headache after waking up. maybe i really sleep too much like 13 hours or so.went to uob to apply for a tx account and got my atm card. the now card will be sent to me 2 weeks later and i will be enjoying some dining privileges then. went home after which and feeling sleepy again :(sis bought back apple strudel (:
Thursday, October 09, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/09/2008 10:22:00 PM
was surfing net to check out more about the UOB now card that i would like to apply. And ta-da i know of a cafe calls 3 monkeys cafe. It's located at orchard tower. i am becoming more like monkey. *LAUGHS*
see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil*Oop
HandWritten on; 10/09/2008 01:59:00 PM
Oh wells, i woke up for just 2 hours and feeling a little sleepy. had to admit the fact that i love to sleep and love to toss around my bed with my feifei aka bolster.ate banana, some digestive biscults and a cup of mama brand milo for my bunch.
gonna check ESP for any notes to be printed and off for my tuition later.
hopefully my tutee will be hardworking and complete all my homeworks. i din really like give a lot and it's just 2 chapters.
It's never easy to find stuffs in a messy place.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/08/2008 11:10:00 PM
Shopping makes Kai Ting a happy girl :) *please take note that my name is separated.went shopping with my forever-shopping-mate aka cindy at fareast and bugis. We are forever meeting as early as 1120am in the morning. As usual, i cant really wake up early like 9am when i dun need to report to work. And i overslept again! Sorry woman :(had cold cut tio @ subway and iced lemon tea from full house before our 雪拼.First, we walked around level one and i was stubborn with regard to a pair shoes that i have been eyeing since the last time i saw it. We went to the same outlet within the same level as i believe that the sale girl is lazy. But in the end, it really dun have my shoe size and no choice i have to buy white shoe instead of black. And the main point is that just at the first level, i spent like 50 plus bucks on one green top which i like for years liao, one green dress, one pair of white shoes, 4 rubber bands.bought another 2 necklaces and one top for my dar at the 2nd and 3rd floor of fareast.train-ed down to bugis afterwhichmy metabolism rate for today is indeed high. was hungry when i reached bugis. grabbed myself a chicken pie before we move on to bugis street. Bought one pair of earring since 10 pairs of my earrings were broken :(waited for my dar to knock off and i was hungry again. LOLS!tried the popiah at the coffee shop and it's yummy.perhaps i was really hungry. dine in at HK cafe @ kovan after which.iced milk tea is still the same. NICE :)i really dun like this particular aunt there. the way she talks to me makes me soo pissed off can. maybe she should go and take customer service module and learn how to serve people well?visited uncle and dar disapproved the spectacles which i want to make. maybe i should just wait for new design since my spectacle is still quite new.school gonna start in just 4 days and i have get ready for the next semester. Having new stuffs makes me so happy and look forward to school. this semester will have a hectic schedules as i will be taking 8 modules. But monkey is very strong de so i believe i can cope well with both study and work (and tuition).Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived.
Sunday, October 05, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/05/2008 03:00:00 PM
Today shall mark the last day of edging lenses at the optical shop though there might be chances for me to edge again. But it is still not the whole week of me edging lenses everyday.I did learnt lots of stuffs on edging and cutting especially on half frame and used frame. It seems like i had really make full use of these few days by learning (:Anyway, will be making spectacle again after 8 months or so. This time round, i have chosen half frame. Hopefully it will look nice on me :)Physically and mentally tired. Energy are all drained off. Shall end here and take a quick look at the gems modules. Really dunno what to choose for this time round. dun seem to have lots of choices for me :(
Wednesday, October 01, 2008!
HandWritten on; 10/01/2008 06:49:00 PM
it's have been awhile since i last update my blog.Was currently busy-ing with work and tuition. Mentioning about my tuition, it's like OMG and i have explained one particular question over again and again for like 9 times. Can really imagine how weak my tutee is. And her exam is like just 3.5 weeks away. can really feel the stress that is piling up. will be giving her extra lessons for now onward till her exam. As for sunday, date with my dar @ white tangerine. The food wasn't up to my expectation and it's simply yucky. The pasta have this white little stuff on top and tastes awful. We had choco fondue *sinful* after main. choco fondue is alright but i got sick of the taste after awhile. Monday and TuesdayHmmm...Work at optical shop and did meaningful stuffs. I EDGED LENSES!Zeis,the optician there is on leave and went japan for hols. Sounds pretty cool but it's super super expensive to go for a week. As for the meaningful stuffs, i did it in the afternoon and learnt quite a few stuffs.In the morning, i was awaiting for the lenses to arrive but due to the bad weather on Monday, the lenses arrived late. And din manage to do much. Just edge 2 pairs on Monday.As for Tuesday, the lenses were already there and i did 2 full frames and 3 half-frames. Uncle teaches me how to edge half-frame and other techniques.Thanks! i managed to did 2 half-frame on my own. Feeling great and sense of self-satisfaction. Btw, my chamfering skill is still lousy. really need to work on it. it took me 2 minutes or so to chamfer one.As for Wednesday (today)Having tuition lesson in the morning with jason and i was sooo unwilling to wake up. HA!Meet up with dar for lunch and had unagi bendo set. Yummy! finally get to drink the rocky choco milkshake that we have owed each other but in the end, dar paid for it. HAHA! Aniway, my timetable is out on monday and this semester is like pretty short hours.Monday: 12pm-2pmTuesday: 8am-4pmWednesday: 8am-10am/12pmThursday: 10am-5pmFriday: 8am-5pmMost likely, i would have my gems on either Friday or monTuition will be on Monday and WednesdayWorking on weekendsthur and tue will free then OMG! Binocular vision and clinical optometry will be killer for this semester!PS: I WANNA GO SHOPPING!PSS: I WANNA GET MY DIARY FOR 09!PSSS: DRESSES!PSSSS: will be borrowing my sis's long skirt on monday and off for my SHOPPING!LASTY, I FINALLY GOT MY SIS'S开学礼物!